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25 2020

ELI Talks - Video Screening and Moderated Discussion (Zoom)

Two ELI Talks videos: (1) Rabbi Scott Perlo on "The Esse…


29 2020


Happy Hour with Rabbi Alpert (Zoom)

Enjoy a beverage of your choice in the comfort of your own home while chatting …

30 2020


Talmud Study (Zoom)
Please join Rabbi Alpert online for Talmud Study! To connect via zoom (with or without video) h…


30 2020


Shabba-Tot with Congregation Beth David's Rabbi Roller (Zoom)

Although this is geared toward families with children …


30 2020


Neshama L'Shabbat with Rabbi Alpert (Zoom)

Welcome Shabbat using body, mind, and soul. Together (virtually) we will …

31 2020


Havdalah (Zoom)
We will sing some songs and then say the blessings that separate Shabbat from the week ahead. Please …