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8 2020

Sabbath of Song with Choir and Visiting Rabbi Tlalit Shavit

10:30AM - 12:00PM  

Congregation Shir Hadash 20 Cherry Blossom Lane
Los Gatos, CA

Contact Cindy Weinberg
408-358-7491 x5

Sabbath of Song with Choir and Visiting Rabbi Tlalit Shavit

Saturday, February 8, 2020 13 Sh'vat 5780

10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Sanctuary

“Sing and your heart will know the secret of eternity,” so writes contemporary Jewish poet Alden Solovy, who adds, “your voice will join the chorus of angels.” On Saturday, February 8, 2020, Shabbat Shirah, the Sabbath of Song, our congregation with the help of our wonderful Shir Hadash Volunteer Choir, will raise our voices towards the heavens. Come and join us as we sing our way through our morning worship using music composed by popular Jewish Women Composers; including, Debbie Friedman, Rachelle Nelson, Natalie Young, Peri Smilow, Elana Arian and Naomi Shemer and more.

Rabbi Tlalit Shavit of Rosh Pina will be our guest and speak about the struggles of women in Israel. Rabbi Shavit leads the Be’Rosh Pluralisti Congregation located in the northern area of Israel, the congregation aims to create pluralistic relations, to bring Jewish spirit and meaning into people’s lives and to seek out and act for social justice. They are the proud users of a Shir Hadash Torah on loan

With a BA and MA in Jewish Thought & Philosophy from Tel Aviv University, Rabbi Shavit has been teaching at seminars and colleges around Israel for the past 25 years. On completion of Rabbinical Studies at HUC in Jerusalem 6 years ago, she began leading the Gilboa Congregation before moving recently to Rosh Pina.

Born on the secular Kibbutz Sdot Yam, Rabbi Shavit’s journey of spiritual awakening is one of deep personal connection and a wanting to create a way of living where inside and outside meet.

Rabbi Shavit will also be attending our Friday night Family Shabbat service on Friday, February 7 where she will be showing some dolls that are part of the “Ashangulit” project, the Ethiopian Doll project, between her congregation and Ethiopian Jews resettled in the area.

Alden Solovy writes in his poem, “Sing Praises”: “Listen to your own voice. Listen to your own prayers. This is your power and your peace. This is your pulse and your heartbeat. This is your life. Sing praises, sing praises.”

We invite the whole congregation to join us for this wonderful morning in song and prayer, as we join your voice with our voice and sing praises. A free luncheon for everyone will follow the service, please register on our website in order to make sure that we have enough food.

Torah Portion: Beshalach Shirah
Haftarah Portion: Judges 4:4-5:31

Leader: Rabbi Tlalit Shavit
Cantor: Cantor Felder-Levy
Torah Reader(s): Shell Rubenstein
Haftarah: Cantor Felder-Levy
D'rash: Rabbi Tlalit Shavit

Kehillat B’Rosh Pluralisti is led by Rabbi Tlalit Shavit and is located in the town of Rosh Pina. The community was established in 2010 at the initiative of a number of residents of Rosh Pina who formed an active community of members from the town and the region. The congregation holds Kabbalat Shabbat and Havdalah services, holiday celebrations, beit midrash studying, b'nai mitzvah courses, and celebrations. They've recently held services at ancient synagogue sites in the region, including the ancient Korazim synagogue.