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19 2020

CSH VIA SHTV Rosh HaShanah Morning Service

11:00AM - 1:00PM  

Contact Cindy Weinberg
408-358-7491 x5

VIA SHTV Rosh HaShanah Morning Service

Saturday, September 19, 2020 1 Tishrei 5781

11:00 AM - 1:00 PM SHTV


Live Stream Here


We hope you can join us as we welcome the New Year.

Our streamed services this morning will bring you the core parts of the service, with our rabbis, cantor, and members of the choir participating throughout. 

The Torah Service, including the chanting of the Torah and Haftarah portions, the related honors, as well as an introduction to their content and an opportunity for discussion, will be held via Zoom. This will occur prior to these streamed services. 

To learn more about joining our High Holy Days services, please visit the main High Holy Days information page or, since our offices are closed, please contact us at office@shirhadash.orgWe welcome you to join us!