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26 2020

CSH Shabbat Shuvah Tashlich Opportunities

9:00AM - 2:00PM  

Contact Cindy Weinberg
408-358-7491 x5

Shabbat Shuvah Tashlich Opportunities

Saturday, September 26, 2020 8 Tishrei 5781

9:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Vasona Lake County Park By Appointment


We are not able to gather for a service as a large group, but you can make an appointment to meet our clergy for a short prayer at Vasona Lake, and then walk down to the water for your personal or family tashlich. Pebbles will be available. 

Please sign up for a 15-minute slot and come only as a household. We will be meeting at Vasona Lake Park. Instructions on exact location and a prayer sheet will be sent to those who sign up.