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11 2020

CSH Retirees Lunch and Learn

11:30AM - 1:00PM  

Congregation Shir Hadash 20 Cherry Blossom Lane
Los Gatos, CA

Contact Cindy Weinberg
408-358-7491 x5

Retirees Lunch and Learn

Tuesday, February 11, 2020 16 Sh'vat 5780

11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Oneg Room


A One-Woman show


Meet the Evil Eye! A demented, delightful demon with major control issues! Follow her centuries old tug of war with one immigrant Jewish family as they transplant, assimilate, and seek salvation in Silicon Valley. 

Written and performed by Sherri Rose, “Beyond The Pale” is a solo show based on her family’s journey from the Pale of Settlement in Russia to the United States. After the performance, Sherri will hold a discussion on its themes, and it’s a chance to share your family’s immigration story.

 “As a story teller, Rose is both masterful and engaging.”  - Capital Critics Circle 

Sherri Rose is a writer/actor based in the San Francisco Bay Area.  She has performed her work at theater festivals across the US and Canada and venues throughout California. “Beyond The Pale” is her 3rd full-length solo show. 

Please RSVP by Friday, February 7 as we will be providing a catered lunch! 

About: The Retirees Lunch and Learn, a group of seniors that has been meeting at Congregation Shir Hadash for 10 years, has grown to some 200 members, with monthly programs attracting 40 people or more. Join us for the chance to visit, eat lunch, and hear a speaker or program.

Cost: Friends and family are invited to participate and are asked to make a $5 donation towards the cost of lunch. This donation is collected at the door. Groups of members alternate bringing in dessert.

Contact: For more information on Lunch and Learn, contact Cindy at (408) 358–1751 x5.