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22 2020

Congregation Beth David Yamim Noraim and The 12 Steps Led By Bonnie Slavitt

7:30PM - 9:00PM  


Yamim Noraim and The 12 Steps - How They Are Related (Zoom)
Lead by Bonnie Slavitt
The period from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur is the holiest time of the Jewish year. During these ten days we do the real work, the work of taking a personal inventory (cheshbon hanefesh) to help us lead to teshuvah, forgiveness, so we can become our most authentic selves. 
In this session we will look at the Twelve Steps, which some believe are built on a paradigm of self-growth, that Judaism has been teaching for 3000 years. We will delve into the Steps and see how they can help us do the work of cheshbon hanefesh. We will see how the beginning steps focus on individual responsibility and conclude with the 12th Step on collective responsibility. This will be an interactive workshop. To Connect Online: To connect by phone, call (669) 900-6833, Meeting ID: 985 6672 6321, Passcode: 421251