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12 2020

Building Bridges - An Interfaith Dialogue with CSH

5:30PM - 8:30PM  

Congregation Shir Hadash 20 Cherry Blossom Lane
Los Gatos, CA

Contact Cindy Weinberg
408-358-7491 x5

Building Bridges - An Interfaith Dialogue

Sunday, January 12, 2020 15 Tevet 5780

5:30 PM - 8:30 PM Oneg Room


Fostering Understanding Between Jews and Christians 

Judaism and Christianity – two faiths which developed from a common source and yet so much
misunderstanding over the years! What do we have in common? How can we share our values and learn about each other’s beliefs in a safe environment? Can we form friendships and have an honest discussion about our differences? Can we work together to heal the world?

If you want to engage in exploring answers to these questions and want to meet new friends from another faith community, sign up for the upcoming offering of the successful program, Building Bridges – An Interfaith Dialogue starting in January 2020. This program brings together Christians and Jews in a lay-led supportive environment. There will be 5 sessions from 5:30-8:30 pm on Sunday, January 12 and January 26 (at Congregation Shir Hadash), Monday, February 3, then again on Sunday, February 9 and Sunday, February 23 (at Sacred Heart Church in Saratoga).

Each session begins with a shared dinner followed by a video and facilitator-led discussions on the topic for the evening. To achieve the goal of building a community of trusted friends, participants are asked to commit to attend every session. There will be a $50 charge per person for the two catered dinner costs and the materials, but scholarships are available.

The Building Bridges program is limited to a maximum of 24 participants, divided equally between each faith community. If you are interested, have questions or need further information, please contact Rabbi Aron or our group leaders Martin Lazar and Wendy Lazar with questions.

To receive registration information, please contact Gloria Chavez.